Maintenance Program
MSA maintenance requirements include:
Valid Intermediate First Aid (formerly Standard First Aid) from any approved training provider in Alberta. Certificates must be forwarded to the MHSA to remain active.
MSO maintenance requirements include:
Valid Auditor statis (requires the auditor to recertify every 3 years and complete a minimum of 2 audits in a 3 year period)
Valid Intermediate First Aid (formerly Standard First Aid) from any approved training provider in Alberta. Certificates must be forwarded to the MHSA to remain active.
To upgrade from MSA to MSO the following is required:
Minimum of 3 years of accumulated experience in the manufacturing industry where 50% or greater of that role is dedicated to health and safety
Completion of the WCB Employer Seminar and the WCB Return to Work Seminar
Auditor Certification through the MHSA must be achieved
A letter of recommendation from the employer must be submit and include the required criteria (see the MSO application form for details.)
*If due to extenuating circumstances, these maintenance requirements are not able to be completed, please contact an MSO Program Coordinator at mso@mhsa.ab.ca