Safety Scoops & Articles

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MHSA May Course Promo

In honour of Occupational Safety & Health Week, we are excited to offer a limited time, 20% off course promotion*!

Did you know that it is Occupational Safety & Health Week? In honour of this, we are excited to offer a limited time, 20% off course promotion*! Even if you are not an MHSA member, you can take advantage of this special offer.

To register, browse our Course Calendar for upcoming courses in May. Then email or contact your Regional Office.

If you are not an MHSA member, include the discount code HS2021 in your email.

If you’re already an MHSA member, the discount will be automatically applied to your account!

We offer a range of health and safety certification, designation, and training programs. All of our 3 locations across Alberta have full protective measures in place to accommodate both in-person and virtual courses.

There has been no better time to improve workplace wellness and safety. Take advantage of 20% off and register today!

*Restrictions apply. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer only applies to MHSA-led courses. Courses ineligible include courses offered through Bistrainer and the following:

  • Fall Protection

  • Reasonable Cause and Supervisor Training

  • Train the Trainer

  • First Aid Training

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Safety Scoop May 2021: Workplace Hazards: Harassment & Violence

MAY 2021 | Workplace Hazards

Do you know what part YOU play when it comes to workplace hazards? Employers, supervisors and workers have a shared duty to create a positive, healthy and safe working environment. Download the Safety Scoop today!

Get the Scoop


Do you know what part YOU play? Employers, supervisors and workers have a shared duty to create a positive, healthy and safe working environment. Here is the scoop:

  • Hazard identification, harassment is a hazard

  • Workers three basic rights

  • Forms of harassment and violence

  • Warning signs and impacts

Get the Training

Every worksite in Alberta must have a harassment and violence prevention plan in place. This one-day course will not only comply with OH&S regulations, but will also uncover the realities and costs these types of hazards present to your organization.

Watch this video and learn more about our Workplace Harassment Training.

Go to our course calendar to see availability in your region, and register today!

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WCB-Alberta: Virtual Effective Disability Management Programs Course

WCB-Alberta recently released the following opportunity!

WCB-Alberta recently released the following opportunity!

You know your business and we know return-to-work; together, we’d love to help you build (or enhance!) your program. 

 As an employer, you care about your people. Their health, safety—their ability to recover when hurt, are all things that you are working hard to support everyday.

 Our priority is to help injured workers get back on the job safely—but we don’t do this alone.

 As an employer, you play a pivotal role in managing injuries within your workplace . Promoting early and safe return to work for your employees is the key component of an effective disability management program and will help to reduce the human and financial costs associated with an injury.

 In addition to our free online seminars, WCB-Alberta has recently partnered with the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (Nidmar) and Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) to promote disability management with small to mid-size employers. To pilot this partnership, Alberta employers are invited to participate in PCU-WHS’s online Effective Disability Management Programs course. We recognize that 2021 continues to challenge employers, so to help, we are making this course available to small and mid-sized WCB account holders (Alberta accounts) at a 50% discounted rate of $125 (total value $250).

 Whether you’re in the process of setting up a disability management program, or want to refine an existing one—this course can help you by providing the foundational skills and knowledge required for a successful program.

 Space is limited and we’re getting started right away!

Three dates are available for Alberta employers - May 12 and June 16 & 24. To save your spot, contact WCB’s Industry Support team today by phoning or emailing Nadia Iwata at 403-205-8051 or Please include your preferred date in your response.

Upon completion of the program, you will have access to direct support from a WCB Industry Specialist as you begin to incorporate new disability management strategies into your organization.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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What Should Be Covered in a First Aid Course for Employees?

Anyone who works in a potentially dangerous environment needs access to a first aid trained individual.

First Aid - Depositphotos_182651054_xl-2015 - 750.jpg

Anyone who works in a potentially dangerous environment needs access to a first aid trained individual. As an employer, it’s up to you to ensure you have adequately trained first aid staff available for your employees.

1. CPR for Adults

It’s important to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for situations when a person stops breathing. With CPR for adults, employees learn the proper procedure, which could put them in the position to save the life of a coworker.

2. Severe Bleeding

You need to stop severe bleeding as soon as possible to reduce the chances that a person loses too much blood. First aid also covers how to keep an injured person safe until help arrives.

3. Head and Spinal Injuries

First aid protocol is different if a person has an injury to the head or spine. Employees should learn how to react in these circumstances.

4. Dealing with Unconsciousness

There are many major injuries and illnesses which can lead to unconsciousness. It’s crucial to know how to deal with this type of medical emergency, whatever the cause.

5. Recognizing Serious Medical Conditions

Recognizing emergencies teaches employees to identify when a person has stopped breathing, is choking, or is in shock. Participants will also learn how to respond, as well as how to manage an emergency scene.

6. Automated External Defibrillator Training

An automated external defibrillator (AED) can save a life when time is critical and paramedics are on the way. If you have one at your worksite, only trained employees can use it, so it makes sense to provide as many employees as possible with the training.

7. Limb Fractures

Fractures to the lower and upper limbs may not be life threatening, but they still require urgent care. In a first aid course, participants should learn how to stop any bleeding, immobilize and add a cold compress to the area, and treat the injured person for shock.

Now you know what you’re looking for, your next step is to search for the right first aid course. Calgary area employees can find all the above in the first aid courses from MHSA. We offer emergency and standard first aid training for all kinds of businesses in the manufacturing industry. Check our calendar to find a course on a convenient date for you.

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Have your say about changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Code

We encourage you to provide your input on proposed changes to the OHS Code by filling out the online survey. You may fill out all parts of the survey or only those that interest you.

Please provide your input by May 10, 2021.

Alberta’s government continues to update and improve occupational health and safety laws to make them easier to understand and apply for employers and workers. This will help them achieve better workplace health and safety outcomes. You can help us by providing your input on proposed changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Code (OHS Code).

The OHS Code has not been extensively updated since 2009 and changes are overdue. By reviewing the OHS Code, Alberta’s government wants to ensure health and safety rules keep pace with changes to workplaces, standards, new best practices and technological advances. The review will also help streamline and simplify OHS Code requirements.

This is the first year of the three-year review plan for the OHS Code. This year, we are reviewing changes required by the recently-passed Ensuring Safety and Cutting Red Tape Act. We are also reviewing parts of the OHS Code that require the most immediate updates.

We encourage you to provide your input on proposed changes to the OHS Code by filling out the online survey. You may fill out all parts of the survey or only those that interest you. Please provide your input by May 10, 2021.

Please contact us at if you have any questions about the survey or the three-year review plan.

Thank you in advance for participating in the survey. Your input will help us update OHS Code rules, making them easier to understand and follow and helping ensure Albertans make it home safely from work each day.

Take The Survey Before May 10, 2021

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Ashley Fry Ashley Fry

OHS Release: Handling COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the workplace

OHS has released a timely article for employers that are unsure how to handle the issue of vaccine hesitancy in the workplace.

To read the full article please click here

Many employers are unsure how to handle the issue of vaccine hesitancy in their workplace, as vaccine programs continue to rollout across Canada. With this in mind, OHS has released a timely article that covers topics such as:

  • Will vaccines be mandatory?

  • How can employers handle workers’ concerns?

  • What should employers do when workers refuse the vaccine?

  • How can employers protect their business?

To read the full article please click here

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COVID-19 in common areas

The OHS has produced the following Power Point presentation regarding COVID-19 in common areas. This presentation includes important information on how “employees will often follow measures while working, but it’s in the little moments in between — during breaks or informal meetings — that people let their guard down.”

Please have a look over the reminders of how we can all do our share to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace.

The OHS has produced the following Power Point presentation regarding COVID-19 in common areas. This presentation includes important information on how “employees will often follow measures while working, but it’s in the little moments in between — during breaks or informal meetings — that people let their guard down.”

Please click here to view the Power Point, and remind ourselves how we can each do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace.

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WCB-Alberta annual return deadline is Feb. 28, 2021

The WCB-Alberta has released the following information:

WCB-Alberta annual return deadline is Feb. 28, 2021

The WCB-Alberta has released the following information:

WCB-Alberta annual return deadline is Feb. 28, 2021

Are you an employer with workers?  If so, you’re required to fill out an annual return reporting your workers’ assessable earnings paid in the last year along with what earnings you expect to pay in the upcoming year. This is important information to ensure you’re paying the correct premium amount.

New this year:  You will no longer receive an annual return PIN letter in the mail. To submit an annual return, employers will log into myWCB and select “file my annual return” starting Jan. 1, 2021. If you do not have a myWCB account, you can sign up here

If you are enrolled in the Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) program, it is important you submit your return on time as late filing may prevent you from receiving your 2020 PIR refund.

For more information about what’s new this year, please visit WCB’s website and the reference document on the annual returns webpage.

For more information, visit the WCB website or call the contact centre toll free at 1-866-922-9221, 780-498-3999 in Edmonton or 403-517-6000 in Calgary.

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WCB - Alberta Worksight November 2020

The WCB has released their monthly newsletter!

Topics include:

  • WCB provides rate stability for employers

  • Activating your myWCB account

  • 2020 Premium Salary letters

  • Training on the Job: Virtual Lunch - December 10

To view the full newsletter, please click HERE.

The WCB has released their monthly newsletter!

Topics include:

  • WCB provides rate stability for employers

  • Activating your “myWCB” account

  • 2020 Premium Salary letters

  • Training on the Job: Virtual Lunch - December 10

To view the full newsletter, please click HERE.


In March 2020 the Alberta government announced measures to provide immediate financial support to private sector employers during the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, all private sector employers had their 2020 WCB premiums deferred to 2021.
With 2020 coming to a close, we’re reminding employers that 2020 premiums are payable Jan. 1, 2021 (due by March 1, 2021); however, you can pay at any time.
For more information about 2020 deferral payments, annual returns and more, visit our insurance and premiums page.

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OHS Prevention Initiative - Winter Slips, Trips & Falls

The MHSA would like to draw your attention to some new publications in the OHS Resource Portal. The Alberta OHS prevention initiative has developed targeted resources to raise awareness of winter slips, trips and falls. Winter-related slips, trips and falls have a significant impact on Alberta workplaces and workers each year. Encouraging employers, supervisors and workers to be extra vigilant could be the key to reducing these incidents.

The MHSA would like to draw your attention to some new publications in the OHS Resource Portal. The Alberta OHS prevention initiative has developed targeted resources to raise awareness of winter slips, trips and falls. Winter-related slips, trips and falls have a significant impact on Alberta workplaces and workers each year. Encouraging employers, supervisors and workers to be extra vigilant could be the key to reducing these incidents.

The winter slip, trip and fall resources are available on the OHS Resource Portal and come in two formats:

  • Bulletins – with a summary of slip, trip or fall hazards and suggested controls. 

  • MicroLearnings – Short, single-focused one-page documents to provide quick hits of information. Copy and paste, or print and post, for sharing at meetings, in emails or to enhance your organization’s safety communications.

You can find these resources here!

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