Safety Scoops & Articles
March 2023 Safety Scoop: 2023 OHS Changes
Our Safety Scoop this month is focused is on Alberta OHS Legislation and changes coming in March of 2023. OHS legislation(Act, Regulation & Code)applies to all workplaces and all industries across the Province. . Employers are required to be compliant with changes coming March 31/23. Understand what changes are coming and what in specific will impact the manufacturing industry.
March 2023
Our Safety Scoop this month is focused is on Alberta OHS Legislation and changes coming in March of 2023. OHS legislation(Act, Regulation & Code)applies to all workplaces and all industries across the Province. . Employers are required to be compliant with changes coming March 31/23. Understand what changes are coming and what in specific will impact the manufacturing industry.
Here's the Scoop:
Learn what the (3) specific categories are in Legislation(Act, Regulations & code) and what information can be found within these books.
Learn what key changes will most impact workers in the manufacturing industry on March 31st. 2023.
We will break down the specific changes in Parts of the Code specific to industry such as: First Aid, Noise and Managing Controls of Hazardous Energy
And much more!
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Leading Safety
The new Leading Safety course will help your leaders ensure compliance for your company’s health and safety management systems are not only met, but exceeded. Supervisors and managers will learn how to incorporate health and safety into their everyday planning, create a safe work environment, and help make a lasting contribution to the reduction of incidents.
Leading Safety is a two-day course that will develop safety-conscious leaders by supplying necessary tools combined with educational practices to effectively influence fellow workers and team members.
By the end of this course, supervisors and managers will be able to measure their success through:
Tracking and trending
Performance observation
Training and education
Developing a productive and inclusive culture
Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!
Safety Scoop February 2023- Complacency in the Workplace
February 2023
How to Prevent Complacency
Our Safety Scoop this month is focused is on how to prevent complacency in the workplace. Complacency in the workplace can cause unnecessary incidents and accidents and lower awareness of deficiencies and hazards. This can lead to taking shortcuts that are dangerous, creating unnecessary risks. Complacency can be prevented, and employees are the key to this prevention.
February’s Safety Scoop includes:
Learn what complacency is.
Learn how to identify symptoms and causes of complacency in workforce.
Learn tools on how to prevent incidents due to complacency.
And much more!
Check out this free resource now: Safety Scoop Feb 202
Get the Training
Leading Safety
The new Leading Safety course will help your leaders ensure compliance for your company’s health and safety management systems are not only met, but exceeded. Supervisors and managers will learn how to incorporate health and safety into their everyday planning, create a safe work environment, and help make a lasting contribution to the reduction of incidents.
Leading Safety is a two-day course that will develop safety-conscious leaders by supplying necessary tools combined with educational practices to effectively influence fellow workers and team members.
By the end of this course, supervisors and managers will be able to measure their success through:
Tracking and trending
Performance observation
Training and education
Developing a productive and inclusive culture
Safety Scoop- Jan 2023 Legislative Rights & Responsibilities
Safety Scoop- January 2023
Our Safety Scoop this month is focused on all levels of workers knowing and understanding their rights and responsibilities according to Alberta OHS Act. Legislation is there to protect workers and employers from incidents and injuries, but it can only do so when everyone knows how it applies to them on the worksite. If everyone understands rights and responsibilities it can also assist to creating a safer work environment for everyone.
January’s Safety Scoop will help everyone get on the same page!
Here's the Scoop:
Learn what Alberta OHS legislation is.
Learn what the three basic rights for all workers in Alberta are.
Break down how the rights apply to workers.
Learn what responsibilities workers, supervisor and employers have according to legislation and how the three rights play into this.
And much more!
Get the Training
Navigating OHS Legislation
Reading, navigating and understanding legislation is a crucial skill to ensure the workplace is following the law and as safe as can be. This is an introductory course to Alberta OHS legislation. Learn how to find your way around the OHS handbook (both the hardcopy and the website), by taking our Navigating Alberta OHS Legislation course.
This 1-day course gives the participants a basic understanding of the structure of Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Participants will learn to successfully navigate the OHS Handbook by completing individual exercises and activities. Each participant will receive an OHS Handbook to participate in this course.
Topics covered in the training include:
Introduction to Alberta’s OHS Legislation
Alberta’s OHS Act
Alberta’s OHS Regulation
Alberta’s OHS Code and Explanation Guide
Navigating the handbook & OHS Website
Learn key skills to navigate legislation and locate specific sections and topics
December 2022 Safety Scoop: Moving Machinery & Equipment
Safety Scoop December 2022
December 2022
This month’s safety scoop has dropped. This month we are talking about a huge element of the manufacturing industry- Machines and moving equipment are a pivotal part of workplace processes. While moving parts are essential to the operation of any business, they can be extremely dangerous if you don’t fully understand the hazards and controls.
December’s Safety Scoop will discuss identifying hazardous parts of equipment and controls that are in place to protect you from these hazards.
Here's the Scoop:
- What legislation applying to moving parts and equipment?
- What are the most common safe work practices when working around machinery?
- What are the most common injuries and how can I recognize them?
- How can I prevent them?
- What are the different types of hazard controls when working with machinery?
- And much more…
Get the Training
Basic Machine Guarding
Working in and around machines and equipment is an every day task in the manufacturing industry which leaves our workers at risk of injuries. This 1-day course teaches participants the importance of safety guards and devices on heavy machinery to prevent machine related injuries. Employee injuries due to exposure to unguarded or inadequately guarded machines are preventable and this course focuses on recognizing and controlling general hazards associated with the operation of machinery. Learn the importance of lock out tag out, employers and employees responsibilites for safe operation of machinery.
Topics covered in the training include:
Recognizing and controlling common machinery hazards
Point of operation guarding
Power transmission devices
Machinery operating controls
Hazardous motions and actions
Alberta OH&S Safeguard requirements
Recognize the advantages and limitations of safeguarding devices
November 2022 Safety Scoop- Cyberbullying
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Last months Safety Scoop focused on Cyberbullying. We joined forces with IT specialists Alt-tech Inc. to extend workplace prevention initiatives into the home..
We will review how to identify Cyberbullying and what to do if you, a loved one or a co-worker has been subject to this serious and growing concern.
Here's The Scoop:
What impact does cyberbullying have?
What effect does cyberbullying have on this next generation?
How can cyberbullying be prevented?
What are some safe practices when working online?
And much more…
Get the Training
Workplace Violence & Harassment
Harassment and violence can occur at any worksite. With increasingly stringent regulations being rolled out to protect workers, it is now more important than ever to provide your employees, managers, and supervisors with workplace harassment training. This course from MHSA trains all your workers and helps you — the employer — to maintain compliance with new Alberta rules and regulations.
Topics covered in the training include:
Alberta OH&S Code Part 27 Violence
Statistical analysis to help you understand the prevalence of workplace violence and harassment
Types of workplace violence and harassment
The negative impact of workplace violence and harassment
Identifying potential workplace violence and harassment
How to avoid workplace violence and harassment, no matter your role in the company
Developing and implementing prevention plans, including policies and procedures
October 1, 2022 Safety Scoop: Ergonomics
Ergonomics can be described in many ways. Ergonomics is the discipline that focuses on the design of equipment, tasks and work environments to minimize worker fatigue, discomfort, and injury while still maximizing performance.
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This months Safety Scoop focus is on Ergonomics. Ergonomics is the discipline that focuses on the design of equipment, tasks and work environments to minimize worker fatigue, discomfort, and injury while still maximizing performance.
Ergonomics can be described in many ways. It can be described as the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment or even the science of designing or arranging things in use to interact with the body most efficiently. In simple words, ergonomics is the ‘fit’ between people and their tasks.
Here's The Scoop:
Why is ergonomics important?
What effect does ergonomics have on the Manufacturing Industry?
How can ergonomic injuries be prevented?
Who can conduct an ergonomic assessment?
And much more…
Injuries in the workplace due to improperly set up machine and equipment or unguarded or inadequately guarded machines are preventable. This 1-day course focuses on recognizing and controlling the general hazards that can be encountered when operating machinery and equipment in the workplace. This course focuses on teaching the importance of safety guards and devices on heavy machinery.
Topics include:
Recognizing and controlling common machinery hazards
Point of operation guarding
Power transmission devices
Machinery operating controls
Hazardous motions and actions
Alberta OH&S Safeguard requirements
Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!
September 2022 Safety Scoop: Emergency Response Equipment
September 2022: Emergency Response Equipment
No company wants to experience an actual emergency in the workplace. The best thing you can do is to be prepared, plan ahead and have the proper emergency response equipment available.
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No company wants to experience an actual emergency in the workplace. The best thing you can do is to be prepared, plan ahead and have the proper emergency response equipment available.
When preparing for emergency response having the proper equipment available can save lives. In this month’s Safety Scoop, MHSA will provide resources on the importance of understanding the purpose of and application of Emergency Response Equipment.
Here's The Scoop
What are the OHS requirements for emergency preparedness?
Does your workplace have appropriate plans in place that include assessing the risk of workplace activities?
Do you know what equipment is needed for all types of potential and actual emergencies at your workplace?
And much more…
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This four-hour course will assist employers in identifying worksite-specific emergencies that may require rescue or evacuation and then developing safe and effective response plans, in accordance with Part 7 of the Alberta OH&S Code.
Topics include:
Emergency Response Overview, Team Planning and Risk Assessment
Emergency Mitigation, Preparedness, Assessing Response Capabilities, and Recovery & Disaster Management
Leadership, Teamwork, Communication and Inter-Agency Collaboration
Strategic Planning, Decision Making, Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement
This 4-hour "Hands-On" course is intended to give shop, field and office workers a basic understanding of the physical characteristics of fire and the safe use and limitations of portable fire-fighting equipment.
If a fire breaks out at your workplace, the ability to properly use a fire extinguisher could prevent a small fire from becoming large and causing significant damage. You’ll learn all the basics for fighting fires with our fire extinguisher training. Participants even have the chance to put their skills into practice with a live fire.
Topics include:
Combustion process and how fires burn
Fuel and heat types
Common types of fire extinguishers and extinguishing agents
Steps involved in extinguishing a fire: P.A.S.S. (Pull the pin, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)
Basic fire safety guidelines, including the Occupational Health &
Safety Act, Regulation & Code
Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!
August 2022 Safety Scoop: Load Securement
AUGUST 2022 - Load Securement
Many Alberta manufacturers not only design and build their own product, but also transport it to their customers or job sites.
Transporting of goods requires an understanding of the requirements surrounding load securement.
The National Safety Code (Standard 10) was developed to ensure the safety of workers, drivers and the general public on Alberta roadways.
Load Securement
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Many Alberta manufacturers not only design and build their own product, but also transport it to their customers or job sites.
Transporting of goods requires an understanding of the requirements surrounding load securement.
The National Safety Code (Standard 10) was developed to ensure the safety of workers, drivers and the general public on Alberta roadways.
Here's The Scoop
What is considered an appropriate load securement maker?
How to calculate Working Load Limit
What kind of hazards assessments should be carried out?
What is considered a suitable strap/tiedown?
And much more…
Get the Training
This 1-day course teaches participants how to properly identify, assess and control workplace hazards in accordance with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Participants will learn the MHSA basic method of recognizing, evaluating and documenting workplace hazards.
Hazard assessment is the keystone of a successful health and safety management system and, therefore, must be performed correctly and reviewed regularly to ensure the workplace remains free of unnecessary hazards.
Topics include:
Alberta OH&S Code Part 2 Hazard Assessment, Elimination and Control
Benefits of performing hazard assessments
Methods of hazard identification, assessment and control
Hazard assessment techniques
Hierarchy of hazard controls
Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!
July 2022 Safety Scoop: Crane Safety and Competency
Crane Safety and Competency
Everyone working around overhead cranes needs to be aware of the unique hazards that a moving load can create. A worker can be crushed between the load and a stationary object, or be struck by a turning, swinging, tipping or falling load. This can cause serious injuries to fingers, hands, legs, feet, head and torso.
Crane Safety and Competency
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Everyone working around overhead cranes needs to be aware of the unique hazards that a moving load can create. A worker can be crushed between the load and a stationary object, or be struck by a turning, swinging, tipping or falling load. This can cause serious injuries to fingers, hands, legs, feet, head and torso.
Workers must be watchful at all times when cranes are active and keep themselves out of the load path.
Crane operators must be familiar with their crane’s operating characteristics and plan every lift to ensure hazards are controlled and load path is clear. They must also be competent for the types of lifts they are required to make. This requires suitable training in proper rigging and crane operating principles as well as competency evaluation.
Here's The Scoop
What are some common hazards?
Statistics of incidents
What are the legislative requirements for cranes?
What can I do to protect myself and others?
And much more…
Get the Training
Overhead Crane Operator - Standard
This one-day, hands-on course is aimed at workers who have completed the MHSA basic rigging course within the previous 12 months and operate an overhead crane for lifting symmetrical loads. Our overhead crane training will teach you how to safely use overhead cranes to lift, move, and place loads through a combination of classroom and practical instruction.
The classroom instruction consists of presentations and discussions, whereas the hands-on training involves demonstrations followed by practical exercises. All activities are led by an experienced instructor.
Topics include:
Pre-operational inspection
Lift planning
Safe Operating Position
Load travel and control
Load positioning
Below the hook lifting devices
Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!
June 2022 Safety Scoop: Compressed Gas
JUNE 2022 | Compressed Gas
The newest Safety Scoop is all about how to handle and work safely with compressed gases. Help ensure your workplace is working safely with compressed gases by using the safety scoop in your next safety meeting! Due to their highly pressurized nature, working with compressed gases has many associated hazards which include, but are not limited to, fire, explosion and frostbite. To help protect against these hazards, the Alberta OHS Code has standards on the proper use, storage and transportation of compressed gas
Compressed Gases
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The newest Safety Scoop is all about how to handle and work safely with compressed gases. Help ensure your workplace is working safely with compressed gases by using the safety scoop in your next safety meeting! Due to their highly pressurized nature, working with compressed gases has many associated hazards which include, but are not limited to, fire, explosion and frostbite. To help protect against these hazards, the Alberta OHS Code has standards on the proper use, storage and transportation of compressed gas.
Here's The Scoop
What is a compressed gas?
What are the legal requirements for compressed gas?
What hazards are associated with compressed gases?
What can I do to protect myself and others?
And much more…
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This four-hour course will assist employers in identifying worksite-specific emergencies that may require rescue or evacuation. It also instructs participants on how to develop safe and effective response plans.
Topics include:
Emergency Response Overview, Team Planning and Risk Assessment
Emergency Mitigation, Preparedness, Assessing Response Capabilities, and Recovery & Disaster Management
Leadership, Teamwork, Communication and Inter-Agency Collaboration
Strategic Planning, Decision Making, Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement